That is definitely an ear tingling mission statement by Arnold. Positively theonomic in its insistence upon the lordship of Christ and the absence of neutrality.

And the origin story is thrilling indeed.

Arnold's insistence upon God's action in current events is right at home alongside James Jordan's insistence on the Divine superintendence of history.

I've gotten an immeasurable amount of good out of Jordan's discourses on the progressive maturity of mankind under God.

It would be interesting and fun to overlay Jordan's prophet priest king motifs with Frame and Poythess's triperspectivalism.

That's a fine schoonah there. Looks ship shape and Bristol fashion. Baggy wrinkle is not tired at all. Believe me, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.

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So, since you name-dropped Lord of the Spirits, I took a listen to their latest episode. How would you rate them as far as trustworthiness? I can filter what are Orthodox peculiarities that I wouldn’t subscribe to, but overall are they pretty sound?

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